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Gratifying Work

Sharing actionable tips from my enterprise, start up, agency, and life experience with a design and developer twist.

Lately I have been sitting down with a lot of product managers and leads from other web related departments. Listening to what they are trying to accomplish and suggesting ways to make it better, add value -- or even how it may be annoying for users.

After building a framework, with colleagues, it turns into your baby, and you want to nurture it along.  Of course things have changed in two years since inception of this first front-end framework I am thinking of, but a lot is the same. We still have the same goals on the development side of things, performance, well structured content, and organization are key.

I have also been on the phone with a few vendors lately, mainly speaking with the development departments working on deliverables and tutorials. The tutorials are really for internal teams to use to get these third party services integrated into our different platforms and there have been many challenges.

Knowing when to break a Wikipedia article down into multiple sections, and even multiple wiki articles is important. Keeping in mind that people are going to have a headache reading too much rhetoric is key too. Keepings things to copy and paste levels does ensure everybody can do things with limited knowledge.

I am enjoying working on these special projects, helping teams throughout the departments accomplish their goals, and even push them to look beyond what they originally thought was possible. It is fulfilling to know that a process that outputs a high number of widgets a month can be more efficient due to my work. Humbles me and is very gratifying on a level that money cannot do.


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