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Tenets for prosperity - Part 2

Sharing actionable tips from my agency, enterprise, start up, and life experience with a design and developer twist.

Today I am going to continue to share my tenets for prosperity. These are guiding principals I’ve collected and brought me success throughout the years. If you haven’t read the first part, I started with the first four. Now, we’ll go through the second set of four.

I’ve learned these through influential leaders I have worked with, MasterClasses from titans of industry, and through following what feels good to me. “What feels good to me” has also come from what I would call “contrasting life experiences”. That simply means, not good, or bad experiences.

Having tenets makes life easier.

I have made my fair share of mistakes. When having some of these tenets to follow, those mistakes are less dramatic, have less fall out, and cause less pain or anger — for everyone involved. It creates a cushion to fall on, or a parachute to aid in landing. They are more controlled, or calculated. Generally speaking, having tenets to live by makes life easier.

I believe in treating people fairly. That means being accessible. Give people the opportunity to state their case, be present, and express their opinions. There’s an element of empathy to apply. I believe in giving people second chances for honest mistakes. There needs to be opportunity for trying and failure.

I believe in considering all decisions before making one. This means taking time to study the ramifications and issues. Equally important is making a timely decision. Indecisiveness is counter-productive and zaps the energy and motivation out of those around you. People want to know what’s expected of them — the what, and the when. In this process it’s good to review prior decisions for successes and failures. Asking why it failed so one can learn what not to do in the future. Asking why it succeeded so can learn and apply where it’s relevant in the future. A tough part of making decisions is not second guessing. Pick a direction, and pour all your energy in that direction without looking back. If a decision needs to be made quickly, work with your instincts and know that it takes courage since one does not have time to assess the data and ramifications. Look to engage those involved, or stakeholders. Experience cultivates instinct on what and when decisions are to be made.

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I believe in creating a safe environment for honesty and candor. Having ease of communication is crucial to success. Those that work with you should know what your expectations are. Communicate those expectations and what isn’t important. I want to hear the good, and the bad. I encourage those around me to communicate bad news even though it is difficult, because it’s more important than good news, and typically requires action. I also encourage accountability which means owning up to my mistakes. Being candid about my and others performance, and knowing it’s a safe environment to share by practicing it.

I believe in projecting a level of optimism that can inspire people. People should know their work is for a good cause and that it’ll likely have good results. People do not like being around pessimistic individuals. It zaps energy and is uninspiring. I don’t want to be around someone who keeps saying the sky is falling. That does not mean I need to be an idealist. On the contrary, be a realist. Infuse a level of optimism into nearly everything a company is doing, and what is being asked of your team or individuals around you in your personal life.

That’s it for this week and this mini series! Again, if you haven’t had a chance to, there is a part one worth reading. Thoughts? Bad ideas? Let me know! I’m curious to hear your thoughts.


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