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Loumarc Signs

Brand transformation for an iconic New Jersey sign company

Who they are

Loumarc Signs is a custom sign company that's been in business for over 30 years. Loumarc Signs believe their customers are all professionals on a journey toward success, and their job is to provide the lift in visibility and perception that will help them get there.

High quality custom sign for Amazon distribution center

What I did for them

I led them through a series of workshops to completely revamp their brand, helping them to a new level of clarity in who they are and who they serve. This included a new logo, brand guide, business cards, custom website design, deep keyphrase content analysis, and other marketing materials.

Styleguide for Loumarc Signs brand
Loumarc Signs Logo mock up without the taglin Screenshot of the Loumarc Signs website home page Mock up of the Loumarc Signs business cards Mockup of the logo on the front of a shirt

The challenge

The challenge was to take the foundation of who Loumarc Signs were, and evolve them into what they wanted to become. They had been in business for a long time, and over the years their client's needs had changed. They knew they needed to understand that better, and be explicit about who their ideal audience had become. Only then could they dedicate the kind of attention to that set of customers in a way that no other sign company could. Loumarc Signs had history here - they had innovated with a guarantee in an industry that simply didn't offer them. Others had followed, and the challenge now was to take Loumarc back to the front of the industry pack in a way that resonated deeply with their customers across all physical and digital touchpoints.

My approach

I started with in-person discovery workshops with five key stakeholders, all who specialized in different areas of the business. We took a deep look at who Loumarc Signs was - both as a company, and as a group of people. We then expanded out to their ideal customers, abstracting their personality to better understand their challenges, frustrations, fears, and desires. With that mapping work complete, we were then able to actualize a brand position and persona that would resonate with those customers.

With all that in hand, I then moved into the tactical deliverables. I designed and produced an iconic logo mark and wordmark, complete brand guide, and a road map for integrating that branding into physical and digital collateral.

Our solution

Loumarc Sign's new identity needed to cover a lot of touchpoints. But before it could, I had to develop a logo that was appropriate in both form and concept: distinctive and memorable, while being simple and uncomplicated. After collaborating with a team, I presented - in person, to their stakeholders - four logos that effectively brought together the Loumarc Signs brand and their customers.

At the same time, we also ran an extensive keyphrase analysis project to build a foundation for their content marketing. This uncovered a treasure trove of intentional, intent-inspired content aligned to the Loumarc team's industry knowledge that could be written about for a long time. This was delivered through our 'content machine', a clean and simple content management framework where the Loumarc team could research, create, organize, and schedule their content marketing all in one place. If you don't live and breathe it, content marketing can be a confusing and complicated area, and a hard grind without much impact. We distilled it down to a simple recipe, with all the right ingredients, to ensure their content marketing success without them needing to think about anything beyond their existing industry insight.

Getting back to the brand side, we wrapped up the discovery workshops with everything we needed to create a brand guide the company could use to harmonize their internal and external communication. As part of that process, I also interviewed various clients to ensure the voice and tone we were settling on was authentic and engaging.

We then created a brand story framework that placed their customers front and center as the heroes. These story blocks and micro stories became a clear guide for any of Loumarc's messaging, effectively connecting them to their customers.

I followed all that core brand work with design assets, color palettes, typography, spacing and sizing, all designed specifically from the company vibe we had settled on.

With the chosen logo in hand, I then designed distinctive business cards that brought the premium feeling of the new brand to life. An asset the entire team could be proud to hand out.

From there, I naturally moved into a complete digital transformation, with a ground-up redesign of their website and a refresh of their other online properties.

Brand persona from Loumarc Signs Brand Guide Brand persona from Loumarc Signs Brand Guide

The results

The Loumarc Signs brand was shifted from their mom-and-pop shop roots to a brand that spoke to - and reflected - their more high-end clients. We repositioned them from their former print shop-based company to a truly premium custom sign company that was clearly focused on their customer's success. And, able to help them achieve the visibility their customers needed on that journey.

This transformation has allowed them to uphold a minimum level of engagement with clients, giving them more time to bring more value to their most gracious customers.

Logo in context for client presentation

Want to work together?

I am working with a limited availability for consulting. Learn more about how I can sharpen your SaaS brand and product.

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